Created By: Faisal Khan on 01/15/98 at 04:53 PM Category: Chemical Carcinogenisis Research Information System (Embedded image moved to file: pic08465.pcx) The following is a list of field numbers and their corresponding field names and mnemonics. Latest update on 7/13/94. CHEMICAL CARCINOGENISIS RESEARCH INFORMATION SYSTEM Section 0 - Administrative Information 1 Chemical Carcinogenesis Record Number CCN 2 Last revision date DATE 4 Update History UPDT Section 1 - Substance Identification/Use Information 6 Name of Substance NAME 7 CAS Registry Number RN 30 Major Use Class USE 35 Data Type DTYP Section 2 - Carcinogenicity/Mutagenicity Data Carcinogenicity Studies CSTU 41 - Species SPECC 42 - Strain/Sex STSXC 43 - Route ROUTC 44 - Dose DOSEC 45 - Tumor Site: Type of Lesion TSTLC 46 - Results RSLTC Tumor Promotion Studies TSTU 51 - Species SPECT 52 - Strain/Sex STSXT 53 - Route [Promoter] RTPRT 55 - Doses [Promoter] DOPRT 56 - Carcinogen CRCNT 57 - Route [Carcinogen] RTCAT 58 - Doses [Carcinogen] DOCAT 54 - Target Tissue: Type of Lesion TTTLT Mutagenicity Studies MSTU 61 - Test System TSSTM 62 - Strain/Indicator INDCM 63 - Metabolic Activation MATVM 64 - Method METHM 65 - Dose Range DOSEM 66 - Results RSLTM Tumor Inhibitor Studies ISTU 71 - Species SPECI 90 - Number of Animals Tested NOAT 72 - Strain/Sex STSXI 73 - Route [Inhibitor] RTINI 74 - Dose [Inhibitor] DOINI 75 - Carcinogen CRCNI 76 - Route [Carcinogen] RTCAI 77 - Dose [Carcinogen] DOCAI 78 - Promoter PRMTI 79 - Route [Promoter] RTPRI 80 - Dose [Promoter] DOPRI 81 - Target Tissue: Type of Lesion TTTLI 82 - Endpoint [Incidence] ENDII 83 - Endpoint [Multiplicity] ENDMI 84 - Endpoint [Latency] ENDLI 85 - Comments COMMI ...........................